So This Is Me

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Thank You!!! <3

Here is a page where I want to thank anyone and everyone who has been a part of my life and affected it in a positive way.  The list is in no particular order.

  • To my mom who has always believed in me and supported me no matter what (and for teaching me how to drive!)
  • To my "daddy" Garry for teaching me how to be myself and stand up for what I believe in...I love you and will miss you always!
  • To my grandparents, for everything they've done for me...endless list here 
  • To Stacey for being a great friend through it all
  • To Heather for being the world's best penpal and an awesome friend as well
  • To Christina for encouraging me to improve my photography skills (even though she didn't know she did it...heehee) and for being the great person she is
  • To my stepdad, Phil, for his lame jokes and endless love
  • To all the girls for helping me come out of my shell, even though it hasn't been much yet...don't give up on me, I'm still working on it! Love you all!
  • To Ashley Burge, my fellow oldies music enthusiast and poet for being a huge source of inspiration in my life and for encouraging me to keep on writing, even when I think no one reads're awesome, girl!  Love you.
  • To my friend Sarah Kean (aka Dear) for being an amazing friend in the past few months. Love you, girl.
  • To Ms. Darlene Dove, my ex science teacher and drama coach for teaching me how you can make life fun (and how to run full-body into a stage and laugh at it later...great times).  JMOC just isn't the same without you!!
  • To all the people who were ever a part of the JMOC Drama Club, for all the laughs and great times - you're amazing actors and actresses!  I've loved working with you all and I'm looking forward to really getting down to business this year!!!  Dracula Rebuilt: The Creation of a New Beginning!  Awesome so far, eh guys?
  • To Val, my fellow author and good friend, for teaching me more about the realities of life than anyone else I know
  • To the boys of Great Big Sea for inspiring me through their music and instilling in me a large sense of pride in this beautiful province. Even though I'll never meet you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • To the staff at the LPC for the endless laughs and games of Skip-Bo - I loved being able to call you co-workers and I miss you all!!
  • To any visitors of So This Is Me for your continued support and patience with me since September guys are great!
  • To anyone else I might have overlooked - I appreciate you more than you know!!